WhatsApp has finally rolled out its Dark Mode feature to iOS and Android users today. The Facebook-owned messaging app has long been working on a dark mode feature, and in the process, released beta versions for both software operating systems. Currently, the feature is gradually rolling out to its 2 billion users worldwide.
“The feature is designed to reduce eye strain when using the phone in low light. We hope it saves you from those situations when you have the phone lighting up across the room. Turn on the phone,” the company said in a blog post.
The Dark Mode theme on WhatsApp, currently available on Android and iOS phones, is completely black for the iPhone app and dark gray for Android. The highly-anticipated feature was released via the Facebook-owned app with a video titled “Hello Darkness,” featuring a previously unreleased version of Paul Simon’s “The Sound of Silence.”
How to enable dark mode feature on your phone:
As this feature is still rolling out to its 2 billion users, you might not see this feature on your phone right now. If so, you can try manually updating WhatsApp on your phone via the Google Play Store or the App Store, depending on whether you’re using an Android or iOS device. If you still can’t see the dark theme and want it immediately, this APK will help.
After installing the latest version of the app, follow these steps:
- Go to Settings option
- Tap on chats
- In chats, tap View
- After tapping the display, you can see the theme
- Choose dark theme to enable it
Apart from this, there are two important themes for Android users. The dark theme has already been discussed.
Fingerprint Lock for WhatApp
The first thing you need to do before starting this new feature is to check which version of WhatsApp you are using. Fingerprint lock is available for all users with version 2.19.221 of the app. This is the beta version that you can find on our website. If you already have it installed, it’s easy to start using the fingerprint lock feature.
To find this new option, you need to go to Settings in WhatsApp, go to Account and then Privacy. Within Privacy, you’ll scroll to the bottom of the screen, where you’ll find the Fingerprint Lock option.
The feature is disabled by default, so you need to enable it to start using it. Once you enable fingerprint lock, WhatsApp will ask you to confirm your fingerprint. After making sure that your fingerprint is correct with the sensor, you can set up this feature.
You will have the ability to choose from three options to automatically lock WhatsApp: immediately, after 1 minute or after 30 minutes. If you choose Instant, you’ll need to use your fingerprint every time you open WhatsApp. It can be a little annoying, but it depends on your own preferences.
The second available option lets you choose whether to hide WhatsApp messages in your notifications when the app is locked. If you choose this option, the app will notify you when you receive a message, but you won’t see the sender or the content of the message.
You will have the ability to choose from three options to automatically lock WhatsApp: immediately, after 1 minute or after 30 minutes. If you choose Instant, you’ll need to use your fingerprint every time you open WhatsApp. It can be a little annoying, but it depends on your own preferences.
The second available option lets you choose whether to hide WhatsApp messages in your notifications when the app is locked. If you choose this option, the app will notify you when you receive a message, but you won’t see the sender or the content of the message.