Looking for a way to create a fake chat on Whatsapp? If yes, then this article is just for you. This guide is about the ways we can create fake chat on Whatsapp. Doesn’t it sound awesome that you can customize WhatsApp conversation from both sides? All the dialogues will be shaped according to your mind’s imagination and it will be more fun and interesting to do so.
This fake chat on WhatsApp will be a great tool to prank and fool your friends. You already know very well how to prank a friend using fake screenshot of chats. E.g. You can also show off in front of your friends by having some conversations with celebrities or some girls. Have a realistic conversation with a girl that will make your friends jealous.
But sometimes it can save a life. Like if you are chatting with your love and have been online for a long time. Your partner may be suspicious of you for being online for so long. So what you can do is to create a fake WhatsApp chat with some client and show her that she will trust you. Also, people can use it to create funny fake chats and memes from both sides. But now, without wasting your time let’s move on to the methods.
How to Create a Fake Chat on Whatsapp Using an App
There are many apps available in play store to create fake Whatsapp chats but all of them have some specific negative points. Some apps will show a lot of ads which can annoy a person and it doesn’t look real because it doesn’t show official Whatsapp ads. And some apps have a watermark that anyone can easily identify as a fake conversation. Removing the watermark may require heavy editing.
I have selected the best app for you. This is a very decent app that makes WhatsPrank your job. The good thing is that there is no watermark and it looks real. But you can’t avoid seeing ads. So it is better to disconnect the internet connection from the phone.
Follow these steps to create a fake Whatsapp chat:
Step 1: Go to Google Playstore and install the Fake Chat for WhatsPrank app.
Step 2: Open the app, skip all instruction manuals or do next to get started.
Step 3: Tap on ‘WhatsPrank’ written above to edit it. Change it to ‘WhatsApp’.
Step 4: Tap on the + button at the bottom > then tap on ‘New Fake Chat’ again.
If you want to create a group mock conversation, you need to select ‘New Mock Group’.
Step 5: Enter name and upload profile picture. You can also set the last one online or by typing.
After filling all the required details, tap on Save present below
Step 6: Select Chat and write your own dialogue.
Make sure there are two send buttons, one from your side and the other from the sender’s side.
You can delete or edit chats by long pressing on the chat.
That’s all you need to do, now take a screenshot to fool your friends. Tap the call button to display a fake voice call.